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Off the back of the Melbourne Cup, our CEO, Bryan Fry, spoke to Eli Greenblat at The Australian about how premium wines will continue to do well, despite the volatile economic environment.

Pernod Ricard Winemakers boss Bryan Fry believes Australians will still reach for a bottle of one of his wines, such as Jacob’s Creek or St Hugo, amid heightened cost of living stresses on household budgets as they look to treat themselves, especially at home.

“I have a theory that people don’t want to go back to the days where we were locked at home and I think people are going to manage their budgets and try as much as possible to enjoy themselves where they can. They’ll likely start pulling back on household spend, so perhaps less trips to restaurants every week, maybe more cooking at home, and if there are more home meals we see that as an opportunity.”

Read the full story here. 

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